Jaime  zoekt een Kamer / Appartement / Studio in Amsterdam

Jaime zoekt: Een Kamer / Appartement / Studio in Amsterdam

  • Kamer / Appartement / Studio
  • Min. 8 m2
  • Man
  • 22 Per direct

Hey I am Jaime, a Spanish friendly guy that will be studying next year MSc Economics in UvA and looks for roomies in Amsterdam. What about me? I am an open-minded, easy going and responsible person. When I'm not at the library, I love doing some sport, listening to music, chilling and Netflix or having a drink with friends. At the weekends or on vacation, I like hiking, doing some travel or just enjoying the city. Some curious facts about me is that I've been three times on exchange (England, Germany and the USA), I'm scout instructor from little children and I am a freak about politics.

Regarding cohabitation... I am flexible and quite independent, although I appreciate a nice conversation at the end of the day and find a good flatmates relationship essential. I'm a tidy and clean person too, so you will have no problem with me regarding order.

If you have any doubt don't hesitate to send me a message :)

Algemene informatie: Jaime
  Man, 28 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  1e jaars MSc Economics (UNIVERSITEIT)