Andrea zoekt een Kamer in Amsterdam

Andrea zoekt: Een Kamer in Amsterdam

  • Kamer
  • Min. 10 m2
  • Vrouw
  • 22 Per direct

Hi! I'm an Australian musician moving to Holland to start my Masters at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam after 2 years living in Berlin. I'm looking for a home where I can share regular conversation, dinner, and a beer with my flatmates. I'm quite communal-minded and I enjoy things like sharing groceries etc. In my spare time I like to cook up new recipes, travel, and check out art. For work I teach the classical guitar; I'm also a professional performer/composer and I intend to work throughout my Masters.

Algemene informatie: Andrea
  Vrouw, 33 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  1e jaars Conservatorium van Amsterdam - Composition (Masters) (UNIVERSITEIT)