Heidi zoekt een Kamer in Amsterdam

Heidi zoekt: Een Kamer in Amsterdam

  • Kamer
  • Min. 10 m2
  • Vrouw
  • 22 Per direct

Hello there!

I am a 23 (soon 24) year old girl from Finland. I will start my studies at the University of Amsterdam this September and am looking for a room for that reason.
Social, sunny, openminded, also a non-smoker! I love the nature and trying new things. Past roommates I had, called me the mom of the house. I love to try different foods and explore museums. I love a nice night in relaxing after a long day.

Algemene informatie: Heidi
  Vrouw, 25 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  1e jaars Media and Culture (UNIVERSITEIT)