Maja  zoekt een Kamer / Appartement / Huurwoning / Studio in Amsterdam

Maja zoekt: Een Kamer / Appartement / Huurwoning / Studio in Amsterdam

  • Kamer / Appartement / Huurwoning / Studio
  • Min. 9 m2
  • Vrouw
  • 22 Per direct

I'm Maja, I'm 19 years old and I'm studying computational social science at UvA, it's like computer science and social science combined. I also work part-time in foodhallen, so I always bring home free food, and can give out free food at work to my friends as well. I'm a sports person, I like dancing, climbing, going to the gym, I'm pretty open to new experiences. Besides all of that I like having social life, so parties from time to time, or just hanging out with friends/roommates. Also I value alone time, to get proper rest for example, or just chill for a bit alone. Hopefully waiting for your response!

Algemene informatie: Maja
  Vrouw, 21 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  1e jaars Computational social science (UNIVERSITEIT)