Tom zoekt een Kamer / Huurwoning / Studio in Amsterdam

Tom zoekt: Een Kamer / Huurwoning / Studio in Amsterdam

  • Kamer / Huurwoning / Studio
  • Min. 8 m2
  • Man
  • 22 Per direct

Hi! My name is Tom, I currently study and work in France, and I will be studying English Literature at the University of Amsterdam from September onwards. I also plan to get a part time job, which is why I am looking for a place to live there.
Your place would be ideal for me since the setting seems perfect for studying properly. When I am not working, I am really outgoing; I like to meet new people and discover new cultures. I also value having a clean and peaceful home, I would contribute to the chores or anything regarding the cleaning of shared spaces.
I can speak fluent French, English and German.
I would move in on October 1st 2022 and move out on June 30th 2023. I could, if necessary, pay for the rent in September.

Algemene informatie: Tom
  Man, 21 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  high school (MBO)
  Lid van LycĂ©e Emile Zola, Rennes, France